I submitted about 9 different designs and these are my favorite versions. The local printer prefers one color, so I was challenged to do an eye catching design while only using one or two colors to keep costs low. Mission accomplished! Which design would you prefer? Do you think Mozart actually said these quotes? Logo […] So a few months ago, I started writing articles and designing daily inspirational quotes for runhaven.com. I also helped with their style guide. It’s a new site from a new social media company out of Australia called MOKO Social Media. I think they’re going to go places, so be sure to check the site out […] I am not the very best journal keeper, but I do try to document our lives every year or two…or five. I ran across this idea from Gretchen Rubin’s article in the February 2012 issue of Good Housekeeping and thought I’d share it, although when you multiply one sentence times four children and a husband […] Some of my favorite recent quotes include these that I prepared for a church lesson. The one without the attribute is also from Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Dare I wonder if the 2nd quote down means computer is part of idling away my time? I’d rather like to think of it as sharing a talent instead!!! ALL THE FLOWERS OF TOMORROW ARE IN THE SEEDS OF TODAY.I bought this because it is one of my favorite gardening/life analogy quotes. I also love the one that says, “You can’t tell the quality of the soil until you plant the seed.” So profound. I think of my kids and friends with that one, […] Anyone who knows me knows that I ADORE great quotes. I picked up this sign in Omaha when I bought the other sign posted about here that seems to have sparked a nerve on Pinterest and has been repinned by so many. Since that one was so popular, I thought I’d share this one as […] If you know me at all, you know I love to collect quotes. Two funny ones I heard this week: “Every time I say the word ‘exercise’ I wash my mouth out with chocolate.” This one I heard from a friend, Holly Shaw Hokanson, but I’m not sure if she made it up or if […] Who’d have thunk it? A cute advent house from Gardener’s Supply. Adorable! I’m curious, though, as what to put in the small little boxes without encouraging MORE candy at Christmas? Maybe quotes? Maybe scripture? Love notes? Jokes? Your thoughts on advent surprises? I couldn’t get rid of these black frames (new in package) at my garage sale. I had to do something with them and we got a new black bed for our bedroom to help “stage” the home so I pulled them out and in an hour I forced each kid to stand sideways against the […]
What I Designed Today: OK Mozart International Music Festival T-Shirts
Recent Design Work: RunHaven
One Idea for Keeping a Journal
What I Designed Today: Favorite Quotes
Inspiring Gardening Quote
Motivational or Inspiring Quotes
Great Quotes
Cute Advent Calendar House
What I Designed Today: Family Silhouettes
A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. — Max Planck (1858-1947), Nobel Prize winner, quantum physicist