What I designed today: An Evita Theatre Program for a Theater in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Yes, I spelled “theater” both ways — the intentional “error” will increase engagement and better the SEO results for my Google search terms, so it’s a win-win for everyone except old-style grammar afficionados and most English teachers. As unofficial president of the Sharpie Enthusiasts Club, I apologize and encourage fixing the error with a Sharpie.

This program was actually designed in very early July on a rush basis because the original print layout person became ill. It’s been a few years since I designed anything for the theater, so it took longer than usual, but was fun to try and match the original cover style the original designer had created. I loved the custom gilt frames and golden photo backdrop I was able to bring to the interior — particularly the spreads for the major roles. It’s been a long time since I designed anything and felt like riding a bike after many years. The speed will come back as soon as I get familiar with the upgrades to the tools I used to use and some fantastic new ones that have surfaced in the last 6 years!

The show had all sold out performances — CONGRATS to Superstar Productions and the Darwin Theater in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia!

What I designed today: A horizontal funnel to illustrate learner journey retention for Google Cloud

Disclaimer: I’ve been so busy working that most of the “What I designed today” posts are going to be a retrospective! I designed this horizontal funnel a few weeks ago. The funnel was used in executive presentations using Google Slides for Google Cloud Partner Learning & Certification. The intent was to illustrate Google Cloud learner journey progress through a 5-stage funnel. I had a difficult time finding a vector or raster graphic for a horizontal funnel, so I drew one in Adobe Illustrator! I actually drew two versions: a horizontal funnel WITH a gray path and one without. Here’s the original .ai file for Adobe Illustrator for you to copy and tweak or a transparent PNG. Not-so-incidentally, this fits standard Google or PowerPoint Slides perfectly.

SEE BELOW the FUNNEL IMAGE for QUICK DESIGN TUTORIAL on how to use PNG files and keep image sizes low in large presentations and documents.

Design tip: place the entire PNG in your file and crop the image to the part you want to use. If you’re working in PowerPoint, you can compress images to what is shown to keep your file size down. Here’s a handy, quick 1-minute video tutorial on how to save space by compressing images in PowerPoint — makes for easy file sharing and space saving files. It was an old tech tip I shared with colleagues in my last role but still applies for those of you who want to keep file sizes down for sharing without using cloud hyperlinks.

What I Designed Today: Google Cloud Exam Tips Packet

Much of the work I do for Google Cloud is to help partner organizations help their learners successfully become Google Cloud certified. I actually designed this during Q4 2022 which always seems to be crunch time for taking certification exams — both for achieving KPIs for Google AND for achieving personal career goals before year-end. If you want to download a PDF of this Google Cloud Certification Exam Tips packet, here’s the official Google linked PDF for you.

Drawing digital art: more calorie-free Procreate Christmas cookies for the holidays!

During my last post, I learned from the incomparable Lisa Bardot. This time, I watched a short, sped-up tutorial from The Artmother on Skillshare on how to make a slightly different version of calorie-free gingerbread cookies. Completely different approaches but equally fun!

These gingerbread cookies make the cutest iPad lock Screen and wallpaper, if I do say so myself!)

Digital art with Procreate makes great, calorie-free gingerbread cookies!
See how cheery they look as a lock screen? It’s the small things…

Drawing digital art: calorie-free Procreate Christmas cookies for the holidays!

Lisa Bardot and team over at Bardot Brush provide such simple, easy, and quick Procreate drawing tutorials and I finally found the time to fit one in. I made a Peace ornament, a plaid Christmas tree, a traditional Christmas tree, and a few alphabet letters. Here are my Procreate drawn holiday cookies. I see a digital Christmas card in my future…

Calorie-free digitally drawn Christmas cookies!
I’ll eventually create a cookie for every letter in the alphabet
and then some…maybe a delicious ampersand?!

Join me in Big Dog Knits on Ravelry

I created a Ravelry group for those who like to knit for BIG dogs! All are welcome. This is a place to share customizations or good pattern tips and projects for BIG DOGS (you determine what BIG means to you!). I had a difficult time finding patterns for deep chested boxers so I customized this one for our Ellie, but we have a chubby pandemic dog, too, and I see a lot of customization in my future knitting…


My first knit dog sweater – a turtleneck for our boxer who is always chilly!

I had so much fun altering a basic knit dog sweater pattern for our boxer’s deep chest and long neck. It’s been a while since I knitted this, though, and even though I wrote down the changes, I’m worried I won’t be able to do it again – oh well, the fun is in trying, right?! Learning to enjoy the process as much as the product.

Knit dog turtleneck sweater ​for a boxer!
Knit dog turtleneck sweater for a boxer!
Knit dog turtleneck sweater ​for a boxer!

The pattern I based mine from is the Bernat Knit Dog Coat.

If you’re on Ravelry, let’s connect!

England Adventures

In the last 6 years or so, we’ve visited the United Kingdom four times: and we’re heading back again in 2023! I’m prepping for the upcoming trip by finally going through old photos. Here are some of the best from the 2017 trip, including a layover in Dublin with a quick tour of Trinity College and the Book of Kells, and Manchester and Chatsworth.

The Long Room in the Old Library at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.​
The Long Room in the Old Library at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
The Long Room in the Old Library at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.​
The Long Room in the Old Library at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
The Book of Kells at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Just a little alley in Dublin called Dame Lane.
Sign with gold text for Butler’s Chocolate Cafe on Wicklow Street in Dublin, Ireland. ​
Butler’s Chocolate Cafe on Wicklow Street in Dublin, Ireland.
Open flower market, Floral Street Shop on the Corner of Duke Street and Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland.​
Flower market on the corner of Duke Street and Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland.
On Cateaton Street in Manchester, England near Arndale Shopping Center and Exchange Square​
On Cateaton Street in Manchester, England near Arndale Shopping Center and Exchange Square
Manchester, England near Exchange Square ​and Sinclair’s Oyster Bar
Manchester, England near Exchange Square and Sinclair’s Oyster Bar
charcuterie board with chutney, grapes and cheese! ​
One of our first meals – the best charcuterie board I’ve ever had! Chutney, grapes, bread, and cheese board from The Rose & Crown, Knutsford, England.
Green guest bedroom bed at Chatsworth
Chatsworth Bedroom

Book Recommendation: Pitch Perfect by Bill McGowan

“The one thing you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” — Neil Gaiman

Highly recommend this quick read written by Bill McGowan, former host of the TV show “A Current Affair.” It debunks a few prevailing communication tactics – the same ones that often left me a little nauseous! [The Gaiman quote above opens chapter 4.] #amreading #recommend #ad #amazon #communication #words

What I Designed Today: Farmers Market Business Cards

I have always been somewhat proud — that’s not quite the right word — of the fact that over 25 years of designing marketing materials for clients, I have NEVER advertised. I think it’s less pride than it is reassurance that my skills and talents are valued and worthwhile and not having to advertise is just a key performance indicator (KPI in the business world).

Front of the business card for Palisades Farmers Market in Washington D.C.
Back of the business card for Palisades Farmers Market in Washington D.C.

During my 6 years of consulting and humanitarian work, I didn’t design much of anything (although those skills did come in handy many times – particularly using MailChimp to send a regional newsletter but I digress…). Occasionally random strangers would still approach me via email or my website about design work. Most of the time, I’ve had to ignore those requests but I had some free time yesterday when an easy request arrived in my in-box and I learned a few things about myself:

  • I was giddily happy to be doing any kind of design work again. I just love to CREATE whether it’s a small business card or an entire marketing plan or confidence in a colleague or friend…creation is my “thing.”
  • Software is the same, but with wonderful upgrades — and believe it or not I kept up my Adobe subscription for 6 years while barely using it (now that’s a commitment to software you love).
  • I’ll never get used to switching from Mac to PC back to Mac again — muscle memory from years of shortcuts and keyboard strokes do NOT translate to the right buttons! I’ll get there…still loving my new MacBook…but probably just in time to get back to Windows 10 and a PC (which I despised at first but quickly came to love). I joke that we’re a non-denominational platform family — we like to use ALLLLLLL the devices available to improve our lives.

This new client found me via a simple Google search for “ticket business card” and came across this old post from 2013. Wow! That’s reassuring because even though I thought my skills were a bit rusty — and I’m sure they are — good design is timeless. I may not have the drawing skills I’d like but I can set up a typographical hierarchy like nobody’s business…and it was good to know I’ve still got it, it just takes a little longer than six years ago!

What I’m Reading (and loving!): Calling Bullshit


Educational AND interesting! Kids…you’re getting this one for Christmas. In many ways we are more manipulated than we really ever realize and have forgotten how to think critically.

“Misinformation, disinformation, and fake news…media environment has become hyperpartisan. Science is conducted by press release. Startup culture elevates bullshit to high art. We are fairly well equipped to spot the sort of old-school bullshit that is based in fancy rhetoric and weasel words, but most of us don’t feel qualified to challenge the avalanche of new-school bullshit presented in the language of math, science, or statistics. In Calling Bullshit, Professors Carl Bergstrom and Jevin West give us a set of powerful tools to cut through the most intimidating data.”

#amreading #books #recommend #highlyrecommend #bullshit #bsmeter #amazon #ad #reading

What I Designed Today: Billboards for Adam & Kizzie at OK Mozart’s Ambler Hall

Adam & Kizzie are coming to Bartlesville and it’s going to be a fantastic night of music at OK Mozart’s Ambler Hall.  This is a new direction for OK Mozart’s music selection and this duo with their gospel, blues, rock-n-roll and jazz sound are sure to please.  I can’t wait to hear how they sound in Ambler Hall.  If you’re local, info & tix are at okmozart.com.

Technically I designed these billboards a little over two weeks ago.  The traditional billboard goes up tomorrow and I hope to add a shot of that from the street as well.

Traditional billboard


Digital billboard


Digital billboard from the street


What I Designed Today: Logo Guide for Bartlesville’s Ambler Hall

It’s not a full-on style guide but it’s a step in the right direction with a usage guide for the most common scenarios for a logo.  I’m so excited about some of the concerts coming up at Ambler Hall!  Check out Adam & Kizzie — they’re coming in November.  For more details, visit OK Mozart on the web.
