What I Designed Today: a YouTube Thumbnail + Social Media Post Graphic

The image below is a thumbnail cover image for an upcoming live podcast by sports commentators who I’ve grown to admire recently as I’ve helped them with their social media. The sports industry is new for me and I’m learning and making connections with sports journalists and reporters — they’re a fun crew! If you like to talk sports, give The Buck Stops Here a listen. They’ll be announcing their trademarked United States Athletics Hall of Fame inaugural class this week! Details on the image.

The image below will be slightly adjusted further to optimize size and resolution for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. if you’re interested, I’ll be the podcast LIVE on their TikTok channel as well. Join us!

What I Designed Today: Social Media Contest for Tate Boys Tire

One of Bartlesville’s finest local establishments, Tate Boys Tire, is running a social media contest and I was asked to design their promotional signs for print and online/web.  If you want to enter the contest, go to the Tate Boys Facebook Page and just like and share the image!


Bisphenol-A Free Baby Bottles

Oh, baby! I knew I was going to be wantin’ another one soon so I made Don swear to not give in to my ticking clock. These babies may not include German engineering but these new bottles are just about cute enough to have a baby for. No, not announcing anything. Must move first and, hopefully, regain my senses. HOWEVER, I do have it on good authority (thank you, Facebook) that some of my in-laws might be needing this type of info very soon. Each picture links to the source – and each one a different glass bottle and/or bottle sleeve, whether silicone or knit. Click away!