Graphic Design

Custom Youth Game Sheets for a Church Activity

It wasn’t exactly part of my role to design these since I managed the welfare requests in an entire region — and training the trainers about welfare resources and self help groups. But since I had the skills, I helped a Springfield Missouri congregation create this game for their youth. There are different versions for […]

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Maximizing Visual Impact: The Strategic Advantages of Employing a Professional Graphic Designer

Evander Hansen from Adobe explains the benefits of hiring a professional graphic designer.

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What I Designed Today: Slide Deck for Healthcare Client Strategic Talent Group

What I designed today – slide deck presentation design for healthcare company freelance graphic design consulting

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Stay up-to-date with these 3 Marketing & Social Media Newsletters

3 marketing and social media emailed newsletter recommendations

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Featured Artist: Juma Chomba aka “I bought a piece of artwork from Tanzania!”

Young artist from Tanzania sold painting to artist in United States

Posted in Bartlesville, Church & Religion, Crafty Ideas, Design & Publishing, Family & Friends, Shopping | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What I Designed Today: a YouTube Thumbnail + Social Media Post Graphic

Social Media manager management graphics posts and variations being designed.

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What I Designed Today (way back in 2015): Pro Bono Funeral Program Layout and Social Media Icon/Logo Graphic Design

Funeral program and social media loco icon graphic design for young teen who passed away in 2015

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What I Designed Today (er, 2020): Digital Religious Stake Fasting and Prayer Invitation Graphics for Social Media

Invitation design for fasting and prayer for religions or faith organizations.

Posted in Bartlesville, Church & Religion, Design & Publishing, Things to be Thankful For | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What I designed today: An Evita Theatre Program for a Theater in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Yes, I spelled “theater” both ways — the intentional “error” will increase engagement and better the SEO results for my Google search terms, so it’s a win-win for everyone except old-style grammar afficionados and most English teachers. As unofficial president of the Sharpie Enthusiasts Club, I apologize and encourage fixing the error with a Sharpie. […]

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What I designed today: A horizontal funnel to illustrate learner journey retention for Google Cloud

Disclaimer: I’ve been so busy working that most of the “What I designed today” posts are going to be a retrospective! I designed this horizontal funnel a few weeks ago. The funnel was used in executive presentations using Google Slides for Google Cloud Partner Learning & Certification. The intent was to illustrate Google Cloud learner […]

Posted in Bartlesville, Design & Publishing, Free Template, Google | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What I Designed Today: Google Cloud Exam Tips Packet

Much of the work I do for Google Cloud is to help partner organizations help their learners successfully become Google Cloud certified. I actually designed this during Q4 2022 which always seems to be crunch time for taking certification exams — both for achieving KPIs for Google AND for achieving personal career goals before year-end. […]

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Book Recommendation: Pitch Perfect by Bill McGowan

“The one thing you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” — Neil Gaiman Highly recommend this quick read written by Bill McGowan, former host of the TV show “A Current […]

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What I Designed Today: Farmers Market Business Cards

I have always been somewhat proud — that’s not quite the right word — of the fact that over 25 years of designing marketing materials for clients, I have NEVER advertised. I think it’s less pride than it is reassurance that my skills and talents are valued and worthwhile and not having to advertise is […]

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What I designed today (November, actually) – it’s been a busy year!

Most of you know I’m working full time for a “higher cause” this year and haven’t been doing much designing at all but was asked to put together some possibilities for a stake logo for church. Oklahoma City had designed one for their stake — story has it from a reliable source that the stake […]

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What I Designed Today: Billboards for Adam & Kizzie at OK Mozart’s Ambler Hall

Adam & Kizzie are coming to Bartlesville and it’s going to be a fantastic night of music at OK Mozart’s Ambler Hall.  This is a new direction for OK Mozart’s music selection and this duo with their gospel, blues, rock-n-roll and jazz sound are sure to please.  I can’t wait to hear how they sound […]

Posted in Ambler Hall, Bartlesville, Design & Publishing, OK Mozart | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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