Custom Youth Game Sheets for a Church Activity

It wasn’t exactly part of my role to design these since I managed the welfare requests in an entire region — and training the trainers about welfare resources and self help groups. But since I had the skills, I helped a Springfield Missouri congregation create this game for their youth. There are different versions for youth brackets, missionaries, college edition etc.

I don’t have the game rules that were used nor did I attend the activity but here’s the sheets! Reverse engineer if you will…

Price is Right Game for youth – MiaMaid and Teacher edition
Price is Right Game for youth – Beehive and Deacon edition
Price is Right game for youth: college edition

Quotes about the Holy Ghost

I had used these quotes a few years ago for a youth conference talk and I resurrected them (Ha!  See what I did there?!) for a Relief Society lesson this past Sunday.  Just thought I’d share them online, mostly so I don’t have to hunt them down on my hard drive if I ever want to use them again.

commune continuousrevelation hghealssoul indebtedforscriptures invite mirror spiritualgps witnessofchrist

What I Designed Today…er, Last Month: 2015 Ward Mission Plan

UPDATE THIS POPULAR MISSION PLAN HAS A NEW, DOWNLOADABLE VERSION IN GOOGLE SLIDES. Because I used Adobe Creative Suite to make the original and most people don’t have access to the custom fonts or software, I created a user-friendly version for download. See the new post here.

I have projects to design pretty much every day.  Unless something family, church or kid-related has taken over.  But usually one or two projects is hanging over my head just waiting to be done.  Right now, I’m procrastinating a cute little custom drawing for a local festival that works with kids.  I have time to get to that yet today (that’s what I’m telling myself, anyway!) but I wanted to share this 2015 Ward Mission Plan that I drew up for our local church congregation.  It was so easy — mostly because they provided me with perfect text.  I mean absolutely-perfectly-clean-never-happened-before-especially-in-church-wonderful text.  Hallelujah!  Seriously, people, knowing exactly what you want to say before you send it to a designer is a gift.  One design rule to follow:  the more concise the text, the better.  If only I could follow that for a blog post, right?!  I know, I know, but this blog is my therapy therefore I can ramble and nobody has to read it.  It’s a win-win.

Anyway, 2015 is the year where I will catch up on some online posts of what I’ve designed but, realistically, it will probably NOT be something I did just that day but in weeks, months and years past.



Diaper Drive for Emergency Infant Services

diaper instructions

It’s been a busy year and a particularly busy month — but not as busy as the month Cole graduated and getting him off on his mission to Manchester, England!  That was insane!  But one of the highlights of August 2014 has been the Tulsa, Oklahoma Stake Relief Society Women’s Conference where we, with our fearless leader, held a preparedness conference which I will post about later with downloadable graphics, etc.  As part of this conference, though, we held a diaper drive for a Tulsa non-profit called Emergency Infant Services.  We collected diapers and packaged them up in bags of 20 or so according to size and will be delivering them this week.  Hooray for clean bums!  It was an easy, effective, and necessary service project and one that everyone seemed to wholeheartedly support.  I love getting out in the community with service projects outside of our own little homes, wards, and stakes.  So fulfilling!

Gabe’s Baptism & Birthday

This past Sunday was about as perfect as any day could get. Gabe was sweet and brave and got baptized on his 8th birthday. His teacher, Miss Gibb, came and many friends and family. We are so lucky to have him in our family! Gabe is funny, smart, generous and kind (not to mention cute). We had a lovely time at the church during the baptism and yummy treats and cream filled cake afterwards. Thanks to all who came for making it such a special day. It was good to see cousins that we don’t see enough as well as old friends from Papillion. We love you all.

Mormon Monument – Jesse & Newel Knight

We came across this really neat monument on our weekend camping trip a couple of weeks ago – it is fun to find history you didn’t even know was there! I spent many years in the Jesse Knight Humanities Building (aka JKHB) at BYU and 15 years later here I find out he is Newel Knight’s son and they both have very interesting stories to tell – give ’em a search at and you will be inspired. That Jesse sure was a character!

General Conference Packet from Deseret Book

The 2008 packet isn’t available anymore, but here’s a link to the current Deseret Book October 2020 General Conference Activity packet. Enjoy! Happy Conference!

Time Out for Women in Omaha!

I’ve been asked to be a representative for Deseret Book for the Papillion area to get the word out about Time Out for Women coming to Omaha on Friday, Oct. 24th & Saturday, Oct. 25th at the Qwest Center. If you have not been to a TOFW, it will quite possibly be the best weekend you’ll have in a very long while. I attended once in Kansas City with some girlfriends and we had a blast.

Let me know via email or comment if you are considering signing up and I’ll get you the details. You can register online but if you sign up through me I think there’s some sort of advantage…I’ll have to get you the details once I’ve got my house up for sale! But I’ll make sure you get taken care of for sure. I know that I’m supposed to be looking for people who want to help spread the word or form “groups” of friends who are going. Some can even take a training call from Deseret Book and be a “team member” to help with some event “chores” and get further discounts. Email me (or comment) and let me know what you’d like to do — individually register, form a group, or be a team “member” — and I’ll set you up!

I’ll see you all in October if I’m not in Texas by then!!! (…and in that case I need someone to take over my duties as the rep so let me know if you’re up for that, too — should I move before October — which involves a FREE TICKET and coordinating even more help at the event). I actually hope we don’t move before then, at least a little, because I looked at the speakers list here and it sound just wonderful. I heart Merrilee Boyack. She’s my Mormon Idol.

Disclaimer: This is a wonderful event sponsored by Deseret Book and not the Papillion Stake or LDS church. I have to say that.