Great Quotes

If you know me at all, you know I love to collect quotes. Two funny ones I heard this week:

“Every time I say the word ‘exercise’ I wash my mouth out with chocolate.” This one I heard from a friend, Holly Shaw Hokanson, but I’m not sure if she made it up or if she heard it somewhere. Either way — instant classic.

“Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy.” — Unknown. I just thought this one was had a hilarious point of view.

Nebraska: The Good Life

I’m sitting in the car, blogging on the laptop, windows down, 75 degrees outside and breezy — THE BREEZE! — it seems there are never breezes in Houston. None of us wants to go back to Texas. I can’t even call it “home” — too hot, too many bugs. We are enjoying Nebraska and Iowa so much that even the kids don’t want to leave (and Cole’s spent a month on Papa & Nana’s floor!). The little boys have been rotating couches and seem to be fine. It’s amazing how kids can adjust. Three more days in heaven and then we head back to the sauna known as Houston. It will be great to see Don again — I think if he wasn’t there, we’d just move in and I’d enroll the kids in Ralston. Sure, we’d miss Gretna but I’d do just about anything to stay here. So many great friends are here, too. It was great to see ALMOST everyone. There were a few friends and family we missed. One thing is for sure: we’ll be back! Plus, we’ll be just as annoying and stay just as long!!!

A Wonderful Day in Houston

Wait.  Did I actually write that title???  The boys and I took off on a spur of the moment mini trip to downtown to the Zoo on this rainy day.  Bonus:  NOBODY WAS THERE except for us!  We were the only people in the reptile house and then the close encounters building and then the aquarium.  We did get wet for the outdoor dinosaur exhibit (and a little miffed it cost extra – only $2 each, though).  We did get wet from the rain but it was so much better than the usual heat.  None of us are made of sugar and a nice time was had by all!  I will post pictures soon.

We also went down the street to the Houston Museum of Natural Science.  We rode the geovator.  We went through the section that teaches all about oil drilling and we wished there was a new section explaining the latest oil spill catastrophe to us!

All in all – a great day!

Do Not Repeat.

I certainly hope to not repeat this past month.  Or year.  I am aching for a change of scenery.  I thought I might start to like Texas over Christmas but it didn’t last long enough for me to actually like it.  It’s too hot already now.  Too many bugs.  My kids are inside too much.  Isn’t that reason enough?

So, on to more positive things.  Oh wait, I don’t have any.  Let’s just have fun satisfying my OCD and making a list of the things that have broken since Don left:

1.  His car (technically this was before he left).

2.  My computer died for a day – mid HUGE project.  I could not get it to reboot and it is very much on its last leg.

3.  The chandelier in the entryway (there are 3 of them but this one is what allows me to see the dirt on the floor…wait…maybe this *is* a good thing after all).

4.  The box fan.

5.  The dvd player.  Ben shoved a dvd in the wrong place and now we can’t get it to work at all.

6.  Gabe’s 3rd backup pair of glasses is broken leaving him with none.

7.  My Dad’s hip – does this count if people are broken?  I was supposed to be in Nebraska and I’m stuck here (see issue #1) until Don gets back from Philmont and we can resolve the car issue.

8.  Towel rack in the master bath.

9.  Toilet paper holder in the powder room.

Is that it?  Really?  It feels like so much more…  I know, I know, my problems are tiny compared to some.  I will admit that.  I guess I’m just too tired to deal with them appropriately.  No more reading until 4 a.m. for me!!  But that Hunger Games book was so good, I just kept reading and the time it took to read it just flew by.  I had only started at 11 p.m. and I just couldn’t put it down.  It’s violent but I thought it was a really interesting premise.  Lots to discuss.  I think it’s equally an adult book as a young adult book.  Very thought-provoking, anyway.

Springer Dog Bike Ride Thing

Check this out! Me likey. I’m sure the pups would like it, too, so they can go on a bike ride with me. It’s called the Springer. I’ve linked the pic to their website.

Puppies in Ties

So cute. Pepper is growing HUGE very quickly. She also seems to be hungry ALL of the time. I think we may have adopted a puppy great dane by mistake.

What I Designed Today: Drafts for Dorothy Keddington’s Book Covers

Two more book covers to get done and then it’s VACATION time!!! I’m not loving any of these but here’s what I’m working on today.

Jack’s First Swim Meet

My kids teach me something every single day. Although most days it’s just a new level of patience! Today, though, Jack taught me to not underestimate his ability. He started swim team not knowing anything about swimming and today swam across the pool both freestyle and backstroke – and shaved nearly a minute off his time for each. While I had been worried about him participating because he’d surely come in last (and, truth be told, he only beat one kid), he was concentrating on what mattered most — getting there. He said, “I just got up on that stand and wanted to WIN!” He said he was at the other side before he even realized it so he didn’t have time to think about holding onto the ropes. Nothing like your own kid teaching you to have a winning attitude — whether you win or not! And, yes, that is a marker smiley face on his belly button. Small pleasures, people.

Oil Ranch Farm

Saturday, we spent the day at Oil Ranch Farm and it was lovely! Hot and humid, but lovely. The kids got sunburned quickly – I remembered to pack a cooler of ice water but forgot the sunscreen – doh! There’s surely some kind of mother award for that maneuver. Anyway, the kids each had favorite things: Ben’s was riding the ponies, Jack’s was the waterslide, Gabe’s was riding the train and Cole’s was the free food, drinks & snow cones.

Owl Bibs – What do you think???

I love knitting but I’m VERY new to crochet. I crocheted these owl bibs. I did a newborn and a toddler size. I changed the closure for each one and like the closure for the newborn bib best. I put all the details of the project over at my Ravelry page. I don’t have many friends there so if you are on Ravelry, let me know!! These bibs are made of 100% cotton so they are washable and would clean very easily – the same yarn as used in the infamous dishcloths. So durable! But, what I’m wanting to know is this something you would actually use and like to receive or is it 70’s afghan ugly and I’m just too biased because I spent hours making it???

Pepper the Pound Puppy

Introducing Pepper, the pound puppy. We adopted her last Saturday on a whim. We have been wanting a puppy for awhile – mastiff, rottweiler or german shepherd but when we saw this brindle boxer / black lab mix at the pound she was so sweet and we couldn’t leave her behind. She’s just shy of 5 months old and it’s taken a week but she’s starting to come out of her shell. Welcome to our home, Pepper!

Catching Up & A Glimpse of Summer

The big news for me is this past Sunday I got released from serving the women in our ward.  Whew.  I am so excited – my schedule just got MUCH more clear!  I feel like I finally have time to clean up the house and finish moving in.  We never really settled since I received that calling about 8 weeks after moving in.  So, what have I done with the past 3 days?  The kids started swim team and even though nobody has had even a lesson, they are doing fantastic and adjusting and, most importantly, enjoying themselves.  Here’s to a glimpse of summer! 

Happy Birthday, Dear Ben!


My baby is 4. And he’s not a baby (hasn’t been for awhile but I’ve been blissfully ignorant). He has taken THE. LONGEST. TIME. to potty train. All of my other boys were trained before 3 or at least right when they turned 3. I know boys take longer but aaaaaaaah! He’s finally got it…almost. We’re still working on #2 but he is doing so very good at staying dry in skivvies all day. He picked out a dragon birthday cupcake-cake and we all had green frosting everywhere for the evening. Bennie is such a joy. I just love to kiss his freckled face and squeeze him for hugs. He is a delight. I’m so glad he’s mine.

Ben’s Eye Surgery: Before & After

The bed so generously given to us by a good friend – thanks, Becky! Pre-surgery but anticipating his new accommodations in Mom & Dad’s room!

It’s been so long and I haven’t been able to write out the details. So, you’ve been spared, dear reader. However, things went perfectly well. The cyst was about a half an inch long when it came out and the surgeon said it looked like a calcified cyst. A normal overgrowth of cells that most likely is not cancerous or anything dangerous or recurring, though they did send it off for tests but told us that we probably wouldn’t be hearing anything (which, knock on wood, we have not!). He still has the tape on them but the incision and stitches look good – they will dissolve, eventually. He is a trooper!

Knit Baby Bonnet

From the DROPS Alpaca baby bonnet pattern available for free. You can link to the pattern and other information about it at my page on Ravelry. It is such a cute pattern. Last time I worked it up in the recommended alpaca and it was very soft but this time I did it in sunny yellow cotton and I like this so much better with more distinct stitch definition – plus, I’ve had a bit of practice so it looks better all around. I haven’t finished the seams or picot edge but I wanted to try it on Megan’s cute little head – isn’t it – I mean she – adorable???