There’s a great little print shop here in Bartlesville, aptly named Bartlesville Print Shop. The owner is a smart man. He hired a talented young girl who is his right-hand-woman most days. The girl is on a sabbatical for school or something (I forget; let’s face it, I can barely keep track of my own life) and even though I swore off taking additional work for the summer, I decided I could spare a month or so and help out the print shop on an as-needed, contract basis. It’s kind of fun having a print shop as a client — which is actually a first for me. It’s a never-ending stream of varied work! It definitely keeps me on my toes. This poster was designed a few days ago and by the next time I stopped into the shop, he had them printed and ready to go — such a great printer. Seriously, if you don’t have a favorite local printer like ours in Bartlesville, go find one! A good printer makes ALL the difference…