…is not coming to my home anytime this year. This afternoon, Don came back from a business trip to Houston. He hasn’t traveled for work in about 7 years so I was completely unused to the 24/7 single mommy routine. I went to Target for milk with all 4 boys the other night (quite late which I try to never do with kids) and came home with probably $100 worth of items – most of which was chocolate. When will I ever learn that doesn’t solve anything? Surprisingly enough there was no chocolate left anywhere in the house today – I was sure to share with my four chocoholics. Who invented Cocovia chocolate? I’d like to go back in time and erase that invention. I think it’s the Dove chocolate people – way too creamy. Plus Chocolove candy bars. Why did there have to be a clearance sign over by the chocolate candy??? Also, cereal was eaten for many meals. Hardly any vegetables in sight. All the rules were broken. Good thing he only travels once every 7 years or so or we’d be in serious health trouble. We’re going to have veggies with every meal from now on just to make up for it. In my defense, at least $20 was actually for milk and another $20 went to Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith DVD so there couldn’t have been more than $60 in chocolate! Oh, my, that sounds even worse…I’d better give up now. How much running will it take to burn off this week? I don’t even want to know although I probably need the stress relief. I think a good, long run is in order for the morning. Perhaps I really should buy those socks that have “Run. Chocolate. Repeat.” embroidered on them. They sound right up my alley…